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You are never fully dressed without a spray tan.


Custom Spray Tanning 



Spray Tans



Connie Smith

Owner / Certified Spray Tan Artist

As a wife, mom, and woman that is vested in finding healthy skin care alternatives, I am thrilled to bring my spray tanning business to Perry, OK! A health scare in 2012, that was directly linked to my time in a tanning bed, fueled my passion of helping others achieve healthy tans without the harsh affects of tanning beds and UV rays. I love making clients feel fabulous with a radiant glow and immediate boost of confidence. After all, you are never fully dressed without a spray tan!  



I had been a certified spray tan technician for several years and was getting enough clientele that I wanted to branch out and advertise. So, my extremely creative friend, Haley, who was also a colleague at the time, and I sat in our shared cubicle and started brain storming ideas of what to call my little side gig (note: many many grand ideas came from these brain storming sessions). We knew "gypsy" had to be in there somewhere since, at the time, I was strictly a mobile tanning service, and it also tells a little bit about who I am.  About 15 minutes in, The Copper Gypsy was born! Not only did Haley play a huge role in naming my business, but she also created this adorable and unique website. Thanks HB!!

The Birth of The Copper Gypsy


Thanks! I'll be in touch.

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